Welcome to the new a:gender website, we are still under construction. The old website is available on the Internet Archive.

Please contact us if you know an organisation you think should be added to the list.

All About Trans

All About Trans is a project that positively changes how the media understands and portrays trans people.



Gender Identity Research Education Society (GIRES) is a registered charity that aims to promote education based on research into gender identity and intersex issues and supports the right of individuals to live according to their true gender identity, rather than one imposed upon them at birth.

Tel: 01372 801554

[email protected]


Press for Change

Press for Change is a political lobbying and educational organisation which campaigns to achieve equal rights and liberties for all transgender people in the UK, through legislation and social change.

[email protected]


Scottish Transgender Alliance

Provides employers and service providers in Scotland with training and good practice guidance on trans equality issues.
